Connect your wallet and swap digital assets to $1 on decentralized exchange Always use our coin address, you can select & copy it on top of this page.
SOL can be bought with credit card through the mobile Phantom Wallet App. You can then swap SOL for $1. Phantom is also available as a browser extension.
Our first target is to bring $1 to $1. Join us on telegram and have delusional fun raiding side by side with the global $1 community. Follow our socials and engage as much as you can. Like, comment, support, upvoteand repost for a viral spread. Tell everybody to just buy $1 worth of this coin.
Own a unique piece of the $1 NFT collection and directly support the $1 movement! All proceeds from sales and royalties fund marketing for the $1 meme coin, driving the mission to surpass the $1 value.
Everyone can now create the iconic $1 meme with our online 1dollar meme generator. For the price of one $1 coin per meme you can generate unlimited designs of the dollar artwork. Proceeds from sales fund marketing activities for the $1 meme coin.
Because $1 is community-driven, we partially rely on financial contributions of our community members. All funds are used to fuel the marketing machine that is needed to reach our $1 target. If you support this project, please consider a donation. We appreciate any amount.